Sunday 25 Aug / 17:30 - 18:15
Never before have humans had so many ways of changing themselves. How far can we consider ourselves as such when we are repaired, augmented and connected? ‘How far are we robots? How far are we human? If I have a pacemaker, prosthetic blades, a bionic hand… Am I still human? Am I a cyborg or something else?’ asked Frédérique Chlous, an ethnologist and professor at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN), who helped put together the “Aux frontières de l’humain” exhibition at the Musée de l’Homme. So what can we say about augmented performance? How can we reconnect with all forms of movement without excluding any of them from the collective imagination? How can we change the way we look at our bodies?
A dialogue with disabled sportswoman and 9-time Olympic medallist Marie-Amélie Le Fur and Marseille-based choreographer Eric Minh Cuong Castaing.
Marie-Amélie Le Fur
Disabled Olympic medallist
Eric Minh Cuong Castaing
Éric Minh Cuong Castaing explores relational modes and representations of bodies on the margins in the age of technology, through a practice known as in situ in socius. He questions the binarities of real/abstract, nature/culture, organic/artificial. EricMcc is associated with the Comédie de Valence interdisciplinary ensemble and ICKamsterdam, and has been an associate artist of the Ballet National de Marseille (2016-2019).
Born in Seine-Saint-Denis (93), Éric Minh Cuong Castaing comes from a visual arts background: a graduate of the Gobelins image school in Paris, he worked for several years in animated film. Interested in choreographic writing in real time, he first discovered hip-hop in 1997, then butoh, under the guidance of the masters Carlotta Ikeda and Gyohei Zaitsu, and finally contemporary dance with the German visual choreographer VA Wölfl.
With his company Shonen, he brings together dance and technology (humanoid robots, drones, videoconferencing, etc.) through ‘in situ in socius’ processes. Since it was founded in 2007, the company has created around fifteen shows, installations, performances and films.